Our Tailored Approach

Growing and indeed protecting wealth are, common goals. But that doesn't mean that you should ever have to settle for an 'ordinary' solution. JKFS, as you'll discover, prides itself on being unique.

Before making any recommendations, we'll sit down with you (and your advisers where appropriate), to discuss your individual financial circumstances and objectives: What are you looking for in terms of income and growth? Over what period of time? What's your attitude to risk? Only once we have built up a complete financial profile can we begin to recommend a suitable investment strategy.

Your portfolio itself will be constructed using a combination of the latest technology - to interrogate the market for the most suitable products - and JKFS's own invaluable investment expertise.

Last, but certainly not least, comes service. Put simply, we aim to exceed your expectations. JKFS is committed to providing you (and your advisers) with full, and frank, feedback on your portfolio's performance. We'll provide detailed reports on your investments and transactions, plus a current market-based valuation. Most clients like to meet up at least once a year to review their financial profile and investment strategy. And, of course, we're happy to discuss matters with you over the phone whenever you would like.

Our promise is to take you through the whole process from our first meeting, to presenting you with our suggestions, to putting the solutions in place as effortlessly as possible.

The value of your investment, and income from it, can fall as well as rise and you may get back less than the amount invested.